About Myself

I’m David and I’ve been making things with my hands for as long as I can remember. As a kid, I became invested in working with hobby electronics and computer programming. As a means of making money in high school, I started making and selling cutting boards and wood-turned items. Later I would transition to working with leather, making wallets and accessories and eventually large bags. Now I also offer my services in building decks and awnings as they are much larger and time-consuming.

If you would like to read more about the specifics of my building philosophy, read more below:

About Me Continued

     Starting out making cutting boards gave me a lot of insight early on into the psychology of marketing small goods. I started to get a grasp of what the acceptable prices are for the type of goods I wanted to sell in my area. After several weeks of privately selling cutting boards, I expanded into wholesale selling them to local business downtown. Later that business would close leading me to fairs and other wholesalers.

     After about a year I lost access to the shop I was working in and investing in the tools that I would need was too far out of reach. So I pivoted to a hobby that I was already interested in, making leather goods. I started with small wallets, perfecting my hand-stitching method, and finding the right long-term supplies. I would say that my super high-quality thread, glues, and edge kotes definitely separate me from almost all of the wallets on the commercial market. Not to mention that everything I make is 100% handstitched.(I don’t even own a sewing machine)

     After building up an inventory I have found most of my success in selling at fairs. I then took a long break from making leather goods to remodel the house I am currently living in. Realizing that the skills I learned framing, laying flooring, building cabinets, etc, could be valuable to others, I decided to market them. I put the word out and immediately got 5 contracts and have been going strong ever since. 

     Now I fluently design all of my projects in CAD to show clients, which has made my work move incredibly quickly. I am familiar with building Decks, Fences, Patios, Awnings, Benches, and Tables, you name an outdoor project and I have probably done it or can do it. I also have done many landscaping jobs installing gravel, rocks, edging stones, mulch, planter boxes, and paving stones. I also do some interior work especially laying new flooring, and installing trim, or designing small built-ins.


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(903) 288 6300

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